Catching a case of singles is different for all women.
You’ve got your perennially single women, those who may in some ways love the status.
Your newly single-and-ready-to-mingle, and the accidentally single—women who are bitter and out of practice with this whole “unattached” thing.
But no matter the reason, here are five things single women love to hear.
Here are 5 things single women love to hear:
1. He’s intimidated
A huge part of being single is experiencing rejection. There comes a time in every single woman’s life when she gets blown off by a guy she could’ve sworn had her twisted bed sheets in his future. This takes some clever rationalization, and a good friend might provide it thusly: “He’s just intimidated.”
Oh, how those words soothe our wounds. After all, we are far too pretty and smart for the object of our affection. One time a friend told us, “He knows you’re too good for him. If you two dated, you would realize this too and dump him.” Brilliant.
2. I wish I was single
Nothing grates on the single soul more than holidays, birthdays, weddings, family reunions, and any other occasion in which hand-holding with a boyfriend would be appropriate.
But the absence of said boyfriend seems downright trivial when compared with the more vulgar displays of our coupled-up friends. Nasty fights, jealous outbursts, irrational cab-hopping, you name it, our coupled-up pals have done it in front of us. These public spats often lead to half the couple locking eyes with us and saying in an even, nasty tone, “Man, I wish I was single.”
Single-girl schadenfreude at its best.
3. I was single until I was 30 (or 35, or 40…)
As the years pass it’s easy to slide into a chilly little thought pattern that goes a little something like this: Maybe this whole everlasting love and romance thing will never happen for me. Maybe I’m just meant to be alone. Bummer, untrue, not to mention crushingly depressing.
This is why it’s great to have an older friend who far surpassed you in the age department before finding The One. They can regale you in all the windy paths they took at your age — which are bound to be worse than yours. And look at them now!
4. Just delete his number already
Give us some guidance, friend. Point us in a logical direction. Your sage advice will be soaked into the porous sponge of our confused mind and we will be grateful.
Everyone’s had a self-centered idiot jerk them around or lingered in an unhealthy courtship that just needed to end. Boy, have we ever appreciated being walked to our phone and directed to press “erase?” Thank you.
5. He really likes you
After all we’ve been through, it’s nice to know that, yes, good ones do exist. And, yes, he might even like us, too.
Catching a case of the singles is different for all women.
You’ve got your perennially single women, those who may in some ways love the status. Your newly single-and-ready-to-mingle, and the accidentally single—women who are bitter and out of practice with this whole “unattached” thing. But no matter the reason, here are five things single women love to hear.