Womenpreneur Middle East Staff

Dedicated editors fueling women's empowerment by crafting captivating narratives that inspire, inform, and celebrate their diverse journeys.

Benefitting from Female Governors: Could Your State Be Next?

[ad_1] November’s midterm elections produced several landmark election outcomes worthy of celebration. For the first time in history, the United States has entered double-digits and broken its own record for the number of women governors.  The 12 women elected or re-elected governor in November eclipse the previous (and current) record of nine. Importantly, three of these states—Arkansas, Massachusetts, and New York–elected a…

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One Billion Rising 2023: Activists Around the World will Rise for Freedom

[ad_1] ONE BILLION RISING recently announced its 2023 theme and campaign: RISE For Freedom & to Create the New Culture.  The campaign addresses the devastating consequences of the ongoing vicious systems of patriarchy, imperialism, capitalism and racism in the world today and the destructive battle for power fought over women’s bodies and the body of the earth….

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Nevada’s Universal Equal Rights Amendment: The First, but Certainly Not The Last

[ad_1] After inspiring mainstream focus on the federal Equal Rights Amendment by ratifying it with Illinois and Virginia, Nevada has become the first state to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in the text of their state-level Equal Rights Amendment. The new amendment passed the legislative sessions in 2019 and 2021…

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Diversity is Not About Nouns: Finding Commonalities with the Disabilities Community

[ad_1] As a comedian, I have found that comedy is particularly effective at leveling the playing field when it comes to communication with an audience. But, as a ‘Sit-Down’ comic (born with Cerebral Palsy – C.P.), I understand the subtleties between expressing disability as a flaw rather than a challenge. Regardless of one’s abilities, comedy,…

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