The ‘Equality Act’ Threatens Women’s Equality

Earlier this month, Missouri became the 22nd state in three years to enact protections to preserve the integrity of women’s sports. This kind of swift, nationwide legislative change is nearly unprecedented, and it demonstrates resounding support for these types of laws. But while state legislators have stepped up to protect female athletes, members of Congress—in…

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‘Highly unusual’: lost 17th-century portrait of black and white women as equals saved for UK

A painting has been saved for the UK in recognition of its “outstanding significance” for the study of race and gender in 17th-century Britain, it will be announced on Friday. The anonymous artist’s portrait of two women – one black and one white, depicted as companions and equals with similar dress, hair and jewellery –…

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Sharon Gless Signs On to Exec Produce Documentary on Women Entrepreneurs ‘Show Her the Money’ (Exclusive)

A new documentary hopes to showcase the economic disparity women entrepreneurs face, and “Cagney & Lacey” star Sharon Gless is spearheading it as an executive producer. “Show Her the Money” is a feature-length documentary film that focuses on the funding gap forwomen entrepreneurs. Filmed throughout the United States, India and Canada, the documentary will discuss…

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The Reddy Sisters

The Reddy Sisters: Influencers and Family, Taking Dubai by Storm

Dubai, UAE – The Reddy Sisters, consisting of Rithika, Pooja, and Neha Reddy, recently embarked on a luxurious staycation at the renowned Marriott Palm to celebrate Neha’s birthday. The sisters, known for their engaging content and strong family bond, have not only become influential figures on Instagram but have also captured the hearts of their…

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