A Strange Slow-Play Situation Unfolded During the Final Round of the U.S. Women’s Open

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — During the back nine of Allisen Corpuz’s U.S. Women’s Open victory on Sunday, an unlikely rules situation unfolded involving potential slow play violations in the final pairing.  The group of Corpuz and Japan’s Nasa Hataoka were first put on the clock on the 11th hole. On No. 13, USGA rules officials gave…

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70% of women have experienced gaslighting in their fertility journey, survey shows

As the founder and CEO of Mira, an at-home hormone tracking system, I am deeply passionate about empowering women to take control of their reproductive health. However, I have come face-to-face with the alarming presence of medical gaslighting in our healthcare system through my own journey and the stories of countless women I have encountered. This…

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