In a world where the boundaries of reality and the mystical converge, Rima Zanoun emerges as a remarkable figure, embracing her identity as a 300-year-old witch with a mission to spread love, creativity, and profound truths. As an entrepreneur, coach, mentor, orator, Rima is a multifaceted individual who inspires and empowers those around her.
Rima Zanoun’s journey is unlike any other. With a history spanning three centuries, she embodies a unique blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary insights. Her quest for knowledge has taken her on a mystical path where she has honed her skills as a witch, harnessing the universe’s energies to create a better world.
Beyond her mystical pursuits, Rima is a modern entrepreneur with a global perspective. Her entrepreneurial ventures have transcended time and place, and she now stands as the founder of Makawu, a visionary enterprise based in the United Arab Emirates. Makawu represents her business acumen and her commitment to shaping a better future for the world.
Rima’s journey as a mentor and coach has spanned over a decade, touching the lives of countless individuals seeking guidance and transformation. Her unique perspective, rooted in centuries of existence, provides her mentees with insights that transcend the ordinary. Through her mentorship, she empowers others to unlock their full potential, fostering personal growth and self-discovery.
Rima’s ability to communicate profound truths and inspire change is a testament to her oratory skills. Whether addressing a small gathering or a global audience, her words resonate deeply. She uses her gift of speech to bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.