Why Not Wednesday? Women’s eNews has never followed the rules before!


By now, each of you has probably tired of all the Giving Tuesday emails sent your way yesterday.

While most, if not all non-profit organizations requesting your financial support are worthy, being inundated with requests within one 24-hour period is enough to drive a person to send even the most valuable requests directly to the trash. That is why we waited an extra day.

Women’s eNews has never been one to follow the crowd. We were the first, and still the only, global non-profit news organization to report about issues that directly affect women. And since our launch over 23 years ago, we are still the only global, online women’s news organization that refuses to accept any advertising dollars. Why? Because we would never allow our editorial coverage to be influenced or dictated by anyone, or anything, other than the TRUTH!

With honest, factual and transparent journalism more important today than ever before, Women’s eNews is asking you to support our work which has always, and will continue, to provide you with the same level of journalistic integrity you have become accustomed to for over two decades.

We thank you in advance for your support!
